Thanks for a good exploration re issues with ecological validity. Working this stuff out is rather difficult and yet it seems many decisions and policies are based on how people assume this works. Juries seems especially problematic... the more I (Christian) think about criminal justice the more I think reform is needed... and yet where to begin ? perhaps anywhere is as good as answer as any... but often a vision of reform requires a vision, a purpose, a destination... and sadly if I have learned anything from my writings is that these overzealous ambitions often go awry... utopias become dystopias.
Thanks for a good exploration re issues with ecological validity. Working this stuff out is rather difficult and yet it seems many decisions and policies are based on how people assume this works. Juries seems especially problematic... the more I (Christian) think about criminal justice the more I think reform is needed... and yet where to begin ? perhaps anywhere is as good as answer as any... but often a vision of reform requires a vision, a purpose, a destination... and sadly if I have learned anything from my writings is that these overzealous ambitions often go awry... utopias become dystopias.